Thursday, February 5, 2015

Metamorphosis of the Monarch Butterfly

This last week I've been mesmerized with watching caterpillars metamorphosis into butterflies.  Specifically Monarch Butterflies.  I have Milk Plants in my yard which are a favorite foodie for Monarchs, so lucky for me my front porch has become the nursery and since I have way too much time on my hands obviously, I got these great photos. This took about 10 days from caterpillar to butterfly.

First spotting that something was up

Looks like they turn black but is just the butterfly showing through his translucent shell.

Couple of hours and out pops the Monarch.

I actually saw this one fly off after getting his energy from the sun.


  1. Gorgeous! And pretty wild when you think about it.

  2. Gorgeous! And pretty wild when you think about it.
